Top 5 Reasons Why Indy Moms NEED to Attend the Boss Babe Network Holiday Party


Written by: “Yes, It’s a Mom Blog| Whitney Grimes

You're a mom, not a Boss....WRONG! What's more bossy than ruling an entire home of your own people? Women are so multifaceted and just because you're a mom now doesn't mean that you can't be a boss. Keep reading for the top 5 of many reasons that attending the Boss Babe Network Holiday party is a MUST for any mama!

1. Reconnect with YOU

We all know how easy it is as moms to lose yourself in service to your family. Purposeful breaks are so needed, and I say purposeful because you shouldn't just settle for any time away. Do something during that break time that'll contribute to your growth as a woman, outside of being a wife and mother. At the holiday party you'll be inspired by women making a difference in business and in our community. Come rediscover your passion and fill your cup before the start of the New Year. You ARE deserving and worthy of the time you need to reset and recharge.

2. Let Loose

Take a break from that To-Do List. Pull yourself away from that list that never quite seems to get any shorter. For just one night leave the toys on the floor, let someone else lay the kids down, and come let loose. Moms experience so much guilt for the things our kids are NOT going to remember. They are not going to say "I can't believe that one night when I was 6 and mom left me with aunt Helen so she could go have fun for one night of her life." I assure you they don't care, and honestly, they probably need a break from you too!

3. Date Night

If you're like Andy and I, we can't decide on a date night outside of dinner and a movie to save our lives. This event is co-ed with a cocktail dress code, which means it's the perfect excuse to grab your man, get dolled up, and show everyone that y'all are still IT! I mean once in a while it's nice to leave the leggings and food stained hoodies at home and really show out, if not for them, for you!

4. Guilt-Free Drinks

Even if you pour a little Bailey's in your coffee in the morning every now and then, moms don't ever get out and have a drink with friends! At the holiday party I'm sure that you'd choose to abstain, but you HAVE to support a local black woman-owned wine company...come on! That's just the kinda girl you are after all! Maybe you should even get a bottle to take home just in case, because you're responsible that way.

5. Meet a New Friend

Meeting friends is hard when your life is all about your littles! So much of your day is consumed with chasing after them, teaching them, and cleaning up after them how could you ever find time to message back and forth with a friend? It starts with MAKING a friend and I've not been to a Boss Babe Network event yet that I didn't feel like I left with a couple new ladies in my corner. Come relax, drink, and make some friends because whether you remember it or not, you're pretty awesome!

That's not even close to all the reasons that you should snag your ticket to the Boss Babe Network Co-ed Holiday Party, but those are the top 5 reasons that I know I'll be going. I really hope to see you there too, so as an incentive Boss Babe Network has gifted my followers 10% off a VIP ticket with the code MOMBLOG10! If you see me PLEASE interrupt any conversation I'm having because I'd love to meet you, and I'm proud of you for choosing YOU...even if it's just for one night.


Women-Owned Holiday EXTRAvaganza Feature: Jazz Creatrix


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