Meet the Bossy Students!

As the brunch grew significantly this year compared to last, I’m so excited to virtually introduce you to the students that will be helping me out on Sunday, June 6 with a variety of event planning and marketing tasks!

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A message from Alivia:

“Hi, my name is Alivia! I am a sophomore in high school. I will be working the Boss Babe merch table! After high school, I want to go into the business field & work with business and marketing. Working with Mariah will really help me in the future, and I’m so honored to work with her & meet everyone!”

A message from Natalie:

“Hi, boss babes! I’m a Senior at Ball State University studying Public Relations and Event Management. I work at rosebud coffeehouse as a barista and at a wedding venue in Yorktown, IND called the Carriage House. Working on events is my dream no matter what area! I can’t wait to work the Boss Babe Brunch because meeting empowering women inspires me!”

VERY Limited Tickets Left! Purchase Yours Below!


Juszina Maria to Speak at Boss Babe Brunch 2021


Adda Pinch to Cater Boss Babe Brunch 2021